We provide care and treatment for adults living with Cystic Fibrosis. A multidisciplinary team that consists of a Respirologist, Registered Nurse, Physiotherapist and Dietitian support patients during quarterly visits.
In the Cystic Fibrosis clinic, patients are seen quarterly. A respirologist, nurse, dietitian and physio provide a team-centered approach for Cystic Fibrosis care.
- Medical Diagnostic unit provides pulmonary function testing for each visit.
- Yearly blood work and exercise testing are done onsite, with offsite bone densities the expectation.
- Diabetes, gastroenterology and obstetrical services are available to liaise with the Cystic Fibrosis team.
- Medical Daycare provides first dose antibiotics for home IV therapy. Juravinski Hospital provides PICC insertion.
- Patients are seen quarterly, where they bring a valid health card, list of medications and refills required. They visit the Medical Diagnostic Unit prior to their clinic visit to obtain current pulmonary function.
- Patients will be seen by the nurse, physician with other allied health as need dictates.
Referrals of patients with positive sweat and/or genetics should be faxed to Dr. Freitag’s office at 905-521-5073.